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Goodness! what a gloriously busy month June has been for Art.Works! We've been sprinkling our creative star dust high and low, from the the very first Fruity Fairtrade Session at Touchstones to harvesting arts for Handa's Surprise at Bowlee Primary School, and not forgetting all the felt making, flag flying and mosaic making across many Rochdale schools in between. It's been a non stop art shop for Art.Works, just the way we like it!
This week alone saw the start of our exciting new project ' The Great Wall of Cartmel', aimed at involving six community groups from Falinge Housing Estate in creating their huge mural masterpiece to brighten up their living space.
On Friday we kicked off with 40 members Falinge parents and kids group. we flung our shoes off and dived feet first, (ok, feet only!) into paint before splashing and racing over lengthy leafs of paper. Spurred on by their paint splattered introduction members then formed ferocious monsters in groups, ready to grin and growl from their giant mural. And why did the monster knit herself three socks? Because she'd grown another foot of course!
The women's group are now armed with their cameras ready to click, flick and snap their estate in all it's glory. they're looking forward to paining inspiration for their multi cultural inspired canvas. Watch out Falinge, ladies with lens about!
The girl's group then got to grips with Warhol, transforming the Striking Cheryl Cole into a colourful canvas of silky cerise skin to a perfect purple pout, nice! The girls have decided to put their own image onto their canvas and will brave the colourful palette once more to create a quirky Warhol inspired mural. I can't wait to see their transformation when we start the painting later in the summer.
Here's to hoping all other community groups on Falinge feel as inspired as our intrepid artists on Friday, they've set the ball rolling, the paint palette swirling for a lively transformation of Falinge's Cartmel Wall.
Some might suggest it was the perfect piece of art activity for ferociously hot Friday; water sprays, bowls of soap suds a cool vapour in the classroom air, soothing felt making. But don't be deceived! I neglected to mention the extreme exertion required when felt making. The vigourous rubbing of olive oil soap to bind fibres, the rapid rolling back and forth, back and forth, of felting mats, the pummeling of fires. Think of a room fueled with over zealous bakers, pumping, pounding, squeezing, squirting; that's the scene of a felt making classroom.
Oh it might have been hot outside, there might have been litres of cooling water galore inside, but that didn't distract Year 6 pupils from St Edwards' putting all their energies into forming fantastic felted pieces of art.
On a hot and sticky Friday in May pupils worked with Art.Works to create amazing felt animals, birds and plants to be displayed on a banner in their school. Working in 3 groups of 16 the pupils immediately took a hands on approach to learning. To kick off the sessions the pupils' imagination came alive with animated suggestions they wanted to praise God for. From the hump back whale to saffron winged butterflies, all creatures (great and small!) were considered during the sessions.

The creative kids then selected their brightly coloured fibres to bind , shape and form. Then, shirt sleeves rolled high above the elbow, soap suds and squirt bottles at the ready, pupils put their back into forming and producing a jungle of creatures that could put Noah to shame!
Art.Works had a fantastic day with Year six at St Edward's Primary School, their enthusiastic approach to art kept us entertained and their comments ensured we left St Edward's with an enormous smile on our face...
'This is brilliant, Cat is very funny (and) crazy.... Trish is kind... I want you to come back to our school'
Year 6 pupil, St Edward's Primary School, Rochdale