Graduating from the University of Leeds in 2006 with a degree in Arts Education I had a clear idea of what I didn't want to be, a teacher! But I did know I wanted to educate, and use the arts as a stimulus to engage kids in learning.
So, after collecting ideas working in primary schools (rest assured, I stayed in front of the desk) and the heritage and museum industry I felt ready to tackle the education system my way, through play! And that's how I came to form Art.Works. I work with groups across the north west, delivering hands on arts and drama sessions designed to motivate the artist lurking in us all.
And, as I do enjoy a bit of role play, I'm also the main schools workshop facilitator at Touchstones Museum, Rochdale. Swapping my jeans for breaches, T-shirt for a tunica and hair grips for a jewel encrusted crown I am your talking, walking historical artifact! Armed with a wardrobe to rival Mr Benn’s I teach all areas of the history curriculum through roll play and interaction.
I produce and sell my own art work specialising in textiles and prints (well, I like to keep my hand in!) and hope to build a little log of work on this site so you can browse and perhaps buy a print or two.