played host to an egg-citing afternoon of craft, play and explore.
The kids where queuing around the door as the sun enticed people to Hare Hill
Park. Families and friends were ready and rearing to go, taking part in the
Great Easter Egg Treasure Trail, weaving around the gardens, into daffodils and
through the tulips.
Carefully crafted Easter bonnets where displayed with pride. The judge looked
on with nervous apprehension, as the bonnets became even more elaborate as
the afternoon progressed, the thought of so many expectant eyes desperate to
be crowned best bonnet loomed ever closer...

pen topper with Art.Works, fashioning fabulous designs ready to add a little
sparkle to their writing tasks back home. From polka-dotted chickens to patch
work bunnies, the library became littered with more paper pets than there are
lambs in the Littleborough landscape!
The enjoyable afternoon was rounded off as I was given the tricky task to
judge the Easter bonnet competition. As the crafters waited patiently I tip-toed
around the hats noting delicately weaved ribbons, fluffy chicks springing out
of eggs and even a fancy fence following the brow of the bonnet. Competition
was though; the children crossed their fingers while the judge looked for the
nearest emergency exit! Never before have I felt the eyes of of so much nervous
anticipation waiting beyond the windows of the judging room.
But as the winners were announced and the bonnets applauded all had to agree
each and every hat was a fantastic piece of inspiration. And, what with the
treasure trail, the creative craft, the face painting, the quizzes, the prices, the
teas, the coffees, the orange squash everybody trailed out of Hare Hill Park
simply brimming with the joys of spring. What a simply cracking afternoon!