It seems a rose tinted memory now, picture the sense, June, a balmy day blows blossom onto the bustling streets of Rochdale. An animated crowd gather in eager anticipation, then wham, bam, yes you can! The people of Rochdale come together to create an amazing piece of public art to celebrate Co-operatives Fortnight.
Those of you who regularly follow the blog you may remember reading about this exciting event back in June, you may have even picked up a pastel and taken part yourself, but to those of you who missed out on this fun filled afternoon don’t panic! I can now exclusively show the film (created by Peace Effects Media) made to celebrate the co-operative collection of participators who took part in the event.
So dim your light, grab your pop-corn and share in our Co-operaitve Fortnight event by watching 60 seconds of show stopping art creation. Enjoy!
*HUGE thanks go to Peace Effects Media for creating the film and the pupils and staff at Alice Ingham Primary School for giving permission for the film to be used on the blog.